These are the resources I tend to use when solving or making puzzles.
See also puzzles I’ve written.
Word things
- OneLook: words matching a pattern
- qhex: various kinds of wordplay
- Quinapalus and Qat: wordbanks, limited letter selection, words that can be reversed
- Nutrimatic: pattern search
- Related Words
- Wordle Solver
- qhex wordplay allows for transdelete and has a wider vocabulary list
- Internet Anagram Server uses full phrase
- Scrabble Solver only up to 12 letters
- See also Scrabble Score Calculator
- A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia
- Secret Ada: common letters, short words, double letters
- quipqiup: cryptogram solver for substitution ciphers
- Cryptogram Solving Tool: interactive letter selection
Ciphers and codes
- dCode
- Rumkin
- Cryptii: common historical ciphers including an Enigma machine
- Boxentriq: historical ciphers and cryptanalysis tools, including steganography
- ASCII table
- CyberChef: ‘recipes’ including base64, hexdump and many compression algorithms
- Regex tester
- Crossword Parser: Generate spreadsheet from crossword image
Crossword solvers
- Crossword tracker: both clues & answers
- Wordplays: Generate crossword clues
- Wordplays: Guess crossword answers
Cryptic crosswords
Logic puzzles
- LogicalSolver grid
Specific searches
- RhymeZone: rhyming dictionary
- BrainyQuote: quotations
- People by initials
- Pun generator
- TinEye: reverse image search
- Google Books Ngram Viewer: popularity of phrases over time
- Interactive clock: useful when trying to map clocks to a specific time
- Musipedia: search music by entering tune
- The Oracle of Bacon: find movies in common, Bacon number
- Ptable: interactive periodic table
Spelling with a limited alphabet
- Phone number spelling tool
- ChemSpeller: spell words with chemical elements
- US zip codes
- SunCalc: sunrise by location and time
- Shadowmap: shadows by location and time
Puzzle types
Collaboration tools
(beyond Google Sheets)
- Excalidraw
- Figma
- Felt: detailed map making and marking tool
Roughly in order of difficulty, easiest to hardest:
Cryptic crosswords:
- Hex (Cox & Rathvon)
- Cryptic All-Stars
Escape rooms:
- Room Escape Artist’s Golden Lock Awards
Physical game reviews and gift guides:
Novel formats:
- Regex crossword
- Spreadsheet escape room
- LLM murder mystery: suppressing pink elephants
Puzzle creation tools
- Sudoku setter
- Word search generator
- Oh My Dots: mazes, connect-the-dots, and word searches