Preview of talk: SnooSec | What sucks in security?
| San Francisco

SnooSec | What sucks in security?

  • Market research

I interviewed 57 security leaders and asked them “What sucks in security?” Their top pain points were inconsistent access management, vulnerability prioritization and remediation, and obtaining SaaS logs in case of an incident.

Preview of talk: PulumiUP 2024 | Panel: Secrets and Policies — Automating Cybersecurity
| Virtual

PulumiUP 2024 | Panel: Secrets and Policies — Automating Cybersecurity

  • Infrastructure Security
  • Panel

In an era where digital threats are becoming more sophisticated, the need for advanced cybersecurity strategies has never been more critical. Discover how to balance security with business agility, implement best practices for secrets management, and leverage automation to safeguard your operations. We’ll also delve into securing the software supply chain and predicting future trends in cybersecurity.

Preview of talk: BSidesSF 2024 | 5 security startup pitches to raise money and eyebrows

We’ll pitch five startups (that don’t exist) and share why they should: the problem they solve, a view of the market, who the target buyer is, and what skills you’d need to be successful. If you’ve ever thought of starting something, but are just waiting for the ‘right’ idea, this talk is for you.

Preview of talk: Screaming in the Cloud | How Tailscale Builds for Users of All Tiers
Preview of talk: Women of Silicon Roundabout 2023 | So what does a product manager do, exactly?
Preview of talk: Product School | Lead a Team in Fast Product Launches
Preview of talk: Code to Cloud Cybersecurity Summit | Building a Security Team that Doesn’t Slow Down your Developers
Preview of talk: Women Impact Tech | The Importance of Cutting-Edge Security and How To Combat Data Breaches

Organizations that fail to effectively secure their valuable data expose themselves to significant risks such as reputational damage and operational interruptions. The remediation costs alone can cost a fortune because security personnel is typically hired to identify how the breach occurred, then how to close security gaps and determine the extent of the damage occurs. In this panel, we will discuss cloud security and managing visibility, accessibility, and risk. We hope you take away some key pieces of advice that can protect yourself from having information stolen.

Preview of talk: CloudNativeSecurityCon NA 2023 | Securing user to server access in Kubernetes with Maisem Ali

How should your development team secure access to the internal services you’re running on Kubernetes? We’ll focus on the networking and security questions you should consider when exposing Kubernetes services to your users, including authentication and authorization, load balancing, traffic filtering, and encryption; and discuss the different options you have for managing access to these services.

Preview of talk: Meetup | Cloud-Native Network Security Panel with Tailscale and ControlPlane
Preview of talk: The Cloudcast | Zero Config VPNs
| Virtual

The Cloudcast | Zero Config VPNs

  • Remote access
  • Network security
  • Encryption
  • Podcast

Maya Kaczorowski (@MayaKaczorowski, Product @Tailscale) talks about the new world of remote systems access, zero-config VPNs, and why everyone loves using Tailscale.

Preview of talk: Accel DX 2022 | Demistifying Risks for Dev-Focused Companies
| San Francisco

Accel DX 2022 | Demistifying Risks for Dev-Focused Companies

  • Supply chain security
  • Infrastructure security
  • DevOps
  • Panel

With the movement towards CI/CD, new code written by developers is deployed continuously at sophisticated companies. However, security practices haven’t kept up. As leaders in the space, Chainguard’s Kim Lewandowksi, Snyk’s Randall Degges, and Tailscale’s Maya Kaczorowski are not strangers to these challenges. In a panel moderated by Accel’s Casey Aylward, they will discuss security resources for developers, and how to understand and effectively apply them before it’s too late.

Preview of talk: TFiR Let's Talk | Tailscale SSH Aims To Simplify And Secure Remote Connections

In this episode of TFiR Let’s Talk, Swapnil Bhartiya sits down with Maya Kaczorowski, Product Manager at Tailscale, to discuss Tailscale SSH in beta and how it simplifies remote connections, taking away the need for SSH keys. She explains the motivation behind creating Tailscale SSH and what sticking points it is tackling.

Preview of talk: ACM Tech Talk | The Past, Present, and Future of Supply Chain Security
| Virtual

ACM Tech Talk | The Past, Present, and Future of Supply Chain Security

  • Supply chain security
  • Moderator

Supply chain security has become a massive talking point across the software industry over the last several years. This talk covers the state of software supply chain security over the last 40 years, and new techniques for mitigating and protecting against these threats, in both open source and proprietary software development environments.

Preview of talk: BSidesSF 2022 | WireGuard from the ground up with David Crawshaw
| San Francisco

BSidesSF 2022 | WireGuard from the ground up with David Crawshaw

  • Remote access
  • Encryption

What is WireGuard, how does it work, and when should you use it? Simply put, WireGuard offers end to end encryption of traffic between two endpoints. We’ll cover WireGuard’s implementation, protocol, and cryptography and compare it to IPsec, ngrok, and OpenVPN in terms of security and performance.

Preview of talk: NorthSec 2022 | Blue team panel discussion
Preview of talk: NorthSec 2022 | The road to BeyondCorp is paved with good intentions with Eric Chiang

BeyondCorp is Google’s initial implementation of a zero trust architecture, which grants application access based on the user, device, and application. Despite all the excitement about zero trust architecture, there’s little concrete guidance (and a lot of vendor noise) on how to successfully implement one. In this talk, Maya and Eric will provide insight into BeyondCorp fundamentals, common misconceptions, and a roadmap for your organization to get to a zero trust architecture.

Preview of talk: DevX Conf 2022 | Remote development can improve your developers remote work experience
Preview of talk: GitHub Talk | What’s Next for DevOps?
| Virtual

GitHub Talk | What’s Next for DevOps?

  • DevSecOps

The goal of DevOps has stayed the same, but our tools, infrastructure, and operating models have changed. To support modern software delivery, it’s critical for organizations to know and prepare for what’s coming next.

Preview of talk: OWASP DevSlop | Software Composition Analysis
| Virtual

OWASP DevSlop | Software Composition Analysis

  • Supply chain security
  • DevOps

Software composition analysis is a term coined by the industry, and refers to identifying the dependencies and components used in a piece of software that is shipping, and their vulnerabilities, licenses, and other metadata. We’ll discuss the common components of software composition analysis.

Preview of talk: .NET Rocks! | The State of Security in the Octoverse
| Virtual

.NET Rocks! | The State of Security in the Octoverse

  • Podcast
  • Open source security

How secure is your software? Carl and Richard talk to Maya Kaczorowski of GitHub about The State of the Octoverse Security Report — one of three annual reports coming from GitHub about how software is being built.

Preview of talk: Open Core Summit 2020 | Security for open-source maintainers
Preview of talk: GitHub Checkout | Dependabot
| Virtual

GitHub Checkout | Dependabot

  • Supply chain security

Sometimes, adding a single library to your manifest file can result in bringing in a massive dependency tree. How can we make sure that we stay on top of any known vulnerabilities, and update our dependency versions as needed?

Preview of talk: GitHub Checkout | Dependency Review
| Virtual

GitHub Checkout | Dependency Review

  • Supply chain security

Dependency Review is a new GitHub Advanced Security feature that allows you to view a “rich diff” of what has changed in your dependency manifest file while reviewing a pull request.

Preview of talk: GitHub Universe 2020 | Catching vulnerabilities early with GitHub, with William Bartholomew

Shifting left allows development teams to implement security controls earlier, thus helping your team catch issues earlier, too. In this talk, we’ll dive into what GitHub can do to help you address vulnerabilities in these dependencies and alert you when new vulnerabilities arise using Dependency Graph and Dependabot, and new updates that that will help you shift left.

Preview of talk: Snykcon | DevSecOps panel moderated by James Governor
Preview of talk: GitHub Talk | How Mettle uses GitHub to secure their software supply chain, with Mikail Tunç

Following DevSecOps means approaching security as an ongoing part of software development — and staying up to date on the code your software depends on. Join Mikail Tunç, Principal AppSec Engineer at Mettle, and Maya Kaczorowski, GitHub Product Manager for an in-depth conversation into how Mettle uses GitHub’s application security capabilities to understand which dependencies they use, their vulnerabilities, how to patch them — and get back to work.

Preview of talk: Electro Monkeys | La sécurité dans tous ses états — la chaine d’approvisionnement logicielle et l’open source
| Virtual

Electro Monkeys | La sécurité dans tous ses états — la chaine d’approvisionnement logicielle et l’open source

  • Podcast
  • Container security
  • Supply chain security
  • Open source security
  • French

La sécurité est un aspect fondamental et pourtant souvent négligé de nos systèmes d’information. Le code est la base de code sont aujourd’hui au coeur de toute entreprise technologique. Mais alors quels sont les problèmes soulevés, quelles solutions y apporter et avec quels outils ?

Preview of talk: GitHub Talk | How Nutanix uses GitHub to secure their software supply chain, with Jon Kohler

Following DevSecOps means approaching security as an ongoing part of software development — and staying up to date on the code your software depends on. Join Jon Kohler, Nutanix Technical Director, and GitHub Product Manager Maya Kaczorowski for an in-depth conversation into how Nutanix uses Dependabot and the GitHub dependency graph to understand which dependencies they use, their vulnerabilities, how to patch them — and get back to work.

Preview of talk: The POPCAST with Dan POP | Software Supply Chain Security and Puzzles
Preview of talk: DevSecCon 2020 | Hardening your soft software supply chain
| Virtual

DevSecCon 2020 | Hardening your soft software supply chain

  • Supply chain security
  • DevSecOps

Software supply chain threats are real! As more developers and companies rely on open-source code — that anyone can contribute to, including attackers — this opens the door to a new vector of attack. There are increasing supply chain compromises which successfully sneak in new backdoored packages, use typosquatting, or even compromise build tooling and signing keys. What’s actually happening in the wild, how do you determine your dependencies, and properly secure yourself?

Preview of talk: GitOps Days 2020 | Security and GitOps
Preview of talk: GitHub Satellite 2020 | Securing the software supply chain together
| Virtual

GitHub Satellite 2020 | Securing the software supply chain together

  • Supply chain security

Writing secure code is hard in its own right, but understanding what vulnerabilities exist in your code — and how to keep up to date with the latest patches — is daunting for even the most sophisticated software teams. In this session, you’ll learn how GitHub is making it easier to secure your software supply chain, and how to get started in protecting your code and its dependencies.

Preview of talk: | The threat is real: software supply chain vulnerabilities
Preview of talk: PancakesCon 2020: Quarantine Edition | Cryptic Dependencies & Cryptic Crosswords
Preview of talk: BSidesSF 2020 | Checking your —privileged container with Sam “Frenchie” Stewart
Preview of talk: Application Security Podcast | Container and orchestration security

Many IT teams begin moving their applications to containers and Kubernetes after their managers mandate the switch. Then in the rush to deploy they may forget, or simply delay, some fundamentals. Only six to 12 months later does integrating security into their CI/CD pipeline becomes a priority. This gradual evolution toward cloud native security best practices is worrisome, but it’s the norm among organizations adopting Kubernetes today. This is what we learned from a panel of cloud native security experts at The New Stack’s pancake and podcast from KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America this week.

Preview of talk: KubeCon North America 2019 | How Kubernetes Components Communicate Securely in Your Cluster
Preview of talk: Open Source Summit Europe 2019 | Securing open-source
| Lyon

Open Source Summit Europe 2019 | Securing open-source

  • Open source security

Open-source projects have a more nebulous operating model, and that also means it’s harder to figure out who’s on the hook when something goes wrong. We’ll discuss what a mature open-source project does for security, including dependencies, incident response, vulnerabilities, and bug bounties.

Preview of talk: America's Test Kitchen Podcast Proof | Can You Prevent Brain Freezes?
Preview of talk: O'Reilly Velocity 2019 | Containers can actually improve your security story
Preview of talk: Google Cloud at KubeCon | Container security
Preview of talk: KubeCon Europe 2019 | Container Forensics: What to do when your cluster is a cluster, with Ann Wallace

We’ll go over where to get information about what’s happening in your cluster, including logs and open source tools you can install, and how to tie this information together to get a better idea of what’s happening in your infrastructure. Armed with this info, we’ll review the common mitigation options such as to alert, isolate, pause, restart, or kill a container.

Preview of talk: The New Stack at KubeCon | Exploring The Latest in Public Cloud Providers
Preview of talk: Software Engineering Daily | Container platform security
Preview of talk: BMC Run and Reinvent | Container Security
| Virtual

BMC Run and Reinvent | Container Security

  • Container security
  • Podcast

Listen to this very insightful episode with special guest from Google, Maya Kaczorowski, as she discusses container security with BMC Solutions Architect, Ajoy Kumar.

Preview of talk: Google Cloud Next '19 | Who Protects What? Shared Security in GKE, with Jesse Endahl
Preview of talk: Google Cloud Security Talks at RSA 2019 | What containers are and how they change your security model
Preview of talk: BSidesSF 2019 | You might still need patches for your denim, but you no longer need them for prod, with Dan Lorenc
Preview of talk: KubeCon North America 2018 | This Year, It’s About Security, with Brandon Baker
Preview of talk: Cloud OnAir | Learn how to use network security controls for your containers, with Manjot Pahwa

Container infrastructure security is about ensuring that your developers have the tools they need to securely build containerized services. Container networking is a key element of it. Join us to understand the nuances of container network security and learn how you can segment containers in a network, what traffic flows should you allow and maintain the security and privacy of your container network.

Preview of talk: KubeCon China 2018 | The State of your Supply Chain, with Andy Martin
| Shanghai

KubeCon China 2018 | The State of your Supply Chain, with Andy Martin

  • Container security
  • Supply chain security

Container security often focuses on runtime best-practices whilst neglecting the software shipped in the supply chain. In this talk we detail an ideal software supply chain, describe the current state of the ecosystem, and dig into specific tools. Grafeas, Kritis, in-toto, Clair, Micro Scanner, TUF, and Notary are covered, and we demo how to identify a vulnerable image then automatically rebuild and redeploy it.

Preview of talk: KubeCon China 2018 | Turtles All the Way Down: Managing Kubernetes Secrets with Secrets, with Alexandr Tcherniakhovski
Preview of talk: Palo Alto Networks streamcast | Embracing Containers Without Fear

Containers are making it easier for developers to build and deliver applications in the cloud. However, managing risk around container deployments remains a significant challenge for security teams. Join this session to learn about the security challenges around container deployments and best practices to follow while securing containers.

Preview of talk: Cloud OnAir | Unravel the mystery of container security, with Sandra Guo and Juan Oviedo
Preview of talk: GCP Podcast | Container security
| Virtual

GCP Podcast | Container security

  • Podcast
  • Container security

Let’s talk container security! This week, Melanie and Mark learn all about the three main pillars of container security and more with our guest, Maya Kaczorowski.

Preview of talk: Video tour | Google Infrastructure Security
| San Francisco

Video tour | Google Infrastructure Security

  • Infrastructure security
  • Encryption
  • Interview

Did you know that Google has invested $30.9 billion to build out our global infrastructure over the past 3 years? Learn more about Google’s infrastructure security through a tour with product manager Maya Kaczorowski and developer advocate Cassie Kozyrkov.

Preview of talk: Google Cloud Next '18 | How Google Protects Your Data at Rest and in Transit, with Il-Sung Lee

In this breakout, attendees will learn how their data is protected at rest and in transit on Google Cloud. We’ll discuss how data is protected from the user to Google and within Google’s infrastructure between services, at which network layers these protections are applied, and when these protections are in place. We’ll also cover options for additional protections on Google Cloud, including IPsec tunnels, Gmail S/MIME, and Istio; as well as efforts by Google to increase encryption in transit at large.

Preview of talk: Google Cloud Next '18 Showcase | Google Infrastructure Tour
Preview of talk: Google Cloud Next '18 | Kubernetes for Enterprise Security Requirements, with Jesse Endahl

An increasing number of enterprises see containers as the next step in their infrastructure’s evolution, but are blocked by security, compliance, and other regulatory requirements. At the same time, large corporations are already running workloads in production. So how are they doing it? In this talk, we’ll go through some of the most common enterprise security requirements, discuss how you can use native Kubernetes features and other tools to meet these needs, and what specifically, a security-focused company like Fleetsmith is doing.

Preview of talk: Threat Actions This Week | DevSecOps: Developers play security offense
Preview of talk: Kubernetes Podcast | Security
| Virtual

Kubernetes Podcast | Security

  • Podcast
  • Container security

On this week’s Kubernetes Podcast, your hosts talk to Maya Kaczorowski from Google Cloud about Kubernetes security, and look at announcements from Microsoft, Docker, Cisco and Spotify.

Preview of talk: Software Engineering Daily | Container security
| Virtual

Software Engineering Daily | Container security

  • Podcast
  • Container security

Maya Kaczorowski works on container security at Google. In a recent talk at KubeCon, Maya discussed runtime security of containers on Kubernetes. Maya joins the show to discuss container security, and what it means to software developers and operators.

Preview of talk: OpenStack Summit 2018 | Engineering Container Security: Addressing the Unique Security Challenges of Containers at Scale in a Multi-Cloud World

With container adoption on the rise, new security strategies are needed to address the unique challenges that containers represent. In this panel discussion, container experts will discuss the security risks of containers and briefly examine many of the multiple approaches that can be taken to achieve security in a container-based environment and a hybrid cloud world.

Preview of talk: OpenStack Summit 2018 | Container infrastructure keynote: Containers Should Contain …Right?
Preview of talk: Women in Tech Podcast | Container Security
| Virtual

Women in Tech Podcast | Container Security

  • Podcast
  • Women
  • Container security

As public cloud adoption continues to accelerate, security becomes a top priority for many organizations. Maya Kaczorowski, Product Manager at Google Container Security explains what security consisted of in legacy systems. We then talked about the security panorama in the cloud, specifically in containerized applications. Maya explained various security risks in these applications as well as solutions. One of these is gVisor, a new open source sandbox that provides secure isolation for containers.

Preview of talk: KubeCon Europe 2018 | Modern App Security Requires Containers
| Copenhagen

KubeCon Europe 2018 | Modern App Security Requires Containers

  • Container security
  • Panel

Using containers, enterprises now have strong, secure-by-default primitives available for deploying apps to their infrastructure. Containers are enabling organizations to adopt better engineering practices like immutable infrastructure — increasing deployment agility and reducing mean time to patch. Companies are thinking strategically about to securely manage their software supply chains. Moderated by eWeek’s Senior Editor, Sean Michael Kerner, collaborators in the container ecosystem will share how containers are revolutionizing the way apps are secured and how we can expect container security to evolve in the future. The panel will also touch on open source projects Notary, TUF, SPIFFE, and OPA.

Preview of talk: KubeCon Europe 2018 | Kubernetes Runtime Security: What Happens if a Container Goes Bad? with Jen Tong
Preview of talk: Google Cloud at KubeCon | Cloud SCC container security partners
| Copenhagen

Google Cloud at KubeCon | Cloud SCC container security partners

  • Container security
  • Interview

At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Copenhagen we announced that five container security companies have integrated their tools with the Cloud Security Command Center to help you better secure the containers you’re running on Kubernetes Engine. Our PM in container security, Maya Kaczorowski, will meet them to discuss their technical integrations.

Preview of talk: The New Stack Pancake Breakfast at KubeCon | Securing #Kubernetes
| Copenhagen

The New Stack Pancake Breakfast at KubeCon | Securing #Kubernetes

  • Container security
  • Panel

To do cloud-native computing, you need to identify all your workloads, and, more importantly, they need the ability to identify each other, so they can work together in automated chains. To aid in this task, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation has adopted the open source SPIFFE specification, and its associated SPIRE runtime. SPIFFE provides a standard for securely identifying software components in heterogeneous IT systems and SPIRE is the engine that can make it happen (and, in this setup, CNCF’s Open Policy Agent [OPA] can enforce the authorization duties).

Preview of talk: Google Cloud at KubeCon | Women in Google Cloud
Preview of talk: Google Cloud at KubeCon | Exploring Container Security: detect and manage an attack

You’ll soon be able to manage security alerts for your clusters in Cloud Security Command Center (Cloud SCC), a central place on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to unify, analyze and view security data across your organization. Further, even though we just announced Cloud SCC a few weeks ago, already five container security companies have integrated their tools with Cloud SCC to help you better secure the containers you’re running on Google Kubernetes Engine.

Preview of talk: Google Cloud Security Talks at RSA 2018 | Securing your infrastructure using open-Source tools
Preview of talk: Google Cloud Security Talks at RSA 2018 | Securing containers in production
| San Francisco

Google Cloud Security Talks at RSA 2018 | Securing containers in production

  • Open source security
  • Panel

This panel will debate the responsibility model and discuss best practices for the container lifecycle: secure deployment, infrastructure components, and runtime. We’ll discuss an ideal model, what’s provided by Docker and Kubernetes, and unsolved problems. We’ll end with practical tips for securing containers in production today, threats we’ve seen in the wild, and what we hope to see next.

Preview of talk: BSidesSF 2018 | Managing secrets in your cloud environment, with Evan Johnson
Preview of talk: Google Cloud Montreal region opening | Security overview
Preview of talk: Marketing video | Google Cloud Encryption at rest
Preview of talk: Marketing video | Google Cloud Encryption in transit
Preview of talk: Google Cloud Summit Paris | Les leçons apprises de la sécurisation de Google et Google Cloud, with Fenitra Ravelomanantsoa
Preview of talk: NTT Security World | What’s Next in Cloud Security?
Preview of talk: Google Cloud Next '17 | Managing encryption of data in the cloud

Can management of encryption keys be easier in the cloud than on-premise? During this video, Maya Kaczorowski discusses the continuum of encryption options available, from encryption of data at rest by default, to Cloud Key Management System, to Customer Supplied Encryption Keys. You’ll learn how our encryption tools allow management of your own keys, including generation, rotation and destruction of those keys. She also shares best practices for managing and securing secrets.

Preview of talk: Cloudflare Crypto Meetup | How data at rest is encrypted in Google’s Cloud, at scale

How does Google encrypt data at rest? This talk will cover how Google shards and encrypts data by default, Google’s key management system, root of trust, and Google’s cryptographic library. Google Cloud Platform encrypts customer content stored at rest, without any action from the customer, using one or more encryption mechanisms. We will also discuss best practices in implementing encryption for your storage system(s).

Preview of talk: Google Cloud Security Talks at RSA 2017 | Encryption
Preview of talk: simpleCrypto Meetup | How data at rest is encrypted in Google’s Cloud

Maya will talk about how Google shards and encrypts data, Google’s key management system, root of trust, and Google’s cryptographic library. Google Cloud Platform encrypts customer content stored at rest, without any action from the customer, using one or more encryption mechanisms. Maya will also talk about best practices in implementing encryption for your storage system(s).